Looking for some funny stories to make you laugh out loud? The following are compiled from the old files belonging to Mr. Nurman learns to tickle your fancy. If it is not too crazy hopefully you can give a bright smile to a gecko. Lol!
Famous celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Lindsay Lohan, Mike Tyson, George Michael and Christopher Hawking don’t have something to amuse you directly here, but as the stories must go on, and they must be funny, you are not allowed to laugh out loud in a plenary meeting!
Remember when Talk show queen Oprah Winfrey lent her voice to Orangutan for the first time as promoted by pre-schoolers around her neighborhood? It had nothing to do with some grumbles of this Sesame Street producer who had asked her to participate in a TV show project in advance and had made a deal to use her voice. You want to know a very funny story that makes you laugh out loud? Those Orangutans living in Borneo Indonesia learn to copy Oprah Winfrey’s gesture in order to support Darwin theory of evolution.
Lindsay Lohan was finally taking a step in a confusing direction. After news broke that she had tested positive for cocaine during her drug test, she started to distinguish between black and white when she saw people playing chess. Whether this information is right or wrong, if you laugh out oud for this joke, probably you have dull sense of humor. But if it is part of funny story, well—not bad anyway. For the first time ever she did not play victim. She was learning how to amuse people with jokes? No way, no jokes in the head of the chess players. That’s silly!
Now, sit still, concentrate. Close your eyes and imagine there before you is a cute boy to tickle. Get rid of stress, now you are with the baby boy and he is crying for you to take him into your lap. No, do not listen to the weep; you need to focus on how to refrain from anger. All you have to do is only feel you are with him and keep lulling him to sleep even after your blue jeans having been wet.
Famous celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Lindsay Lohan, Mike Tyson, George Michael and Christopher Hawking don’t have something to amuse you directly here, but as the stories must go on, and they must be funny, you are not allowed to laugh out loud in a plenary meeting!
Remember when Talk show queen Oprah Winfrey lent her voice to Orangutan for the first time as promoted by pre-schoolers around her neighborhood? It had nothing to do with some grumbles of this Sesame Street producer who had asked her to participate in a TV show project in advance and had made a deal to use her voice. You want to know a very funny story that makes you laugh out loud? Those Orangutans living in Borneo Indonesia learn to copy Oprah Winfrey’s gesture in order to support Darwin theory of evolution.
Lindsay Lohan was finally taking a step in a confusing direction. After news broke that she had tested positive for cocaine during her drug test, she started to distinguish between black and white when she saw people playing chess. Whether this information is right or wrong, if you laugh out oud for this joke, probably you have dull sense of humor. But if it is part of funny story, well—not bad anyway. For the first time ever she did not play victim. She was learning how to amuse people with jokes? No way, no jokes in the head of the chess players. That’s silly!
Now, sit still, concentrate. Close your eyes and imagine there before you is a cute boy to tickle. Get rid of stress, now you are with the baby boy and he is crying for you to take him into your lap. No, do not listen to the weep; you need to focus on how to refrain from anger. All you have to do is only feel you are with him and keep lulling him to sleep even after your blue jeans having been wet.

Now you have no more hatred, you don't have to win a debate and you don't have to be in the sulks, not by any means. Your sins are redeemed, not by a savior or God, not even by celebrities, but by your own initiative to be always in a positive-thinking state of mind.
This kind of therapy is worth trying anytime you feel lack of tolerance. As nobody perfect you can yell at the sky and express your emotion, "I'm not perfect; I swear to God, I'm not perfect. I am not even as perfect as celebrity" OK, done? Now listen to a funny story about Mike Tyson. The one to make you laugh out loud? Which one? You come to him, yell at him and tickle him!
By the way, George Michael admits to driving under alcohol influence? Out of date info of celebrity?
I wrote something silly about it on September 2010: When the accident happened, he was learning how to tickle his own fancy, anyway. Unfortunately, he was doing so in a wrong place. First, he had come across a tickling blog named Mr. Nurman learns to tickle your fancy while browsing on the Internet that he had got inspired of how to cope with stress.
However, things had been so hard to get connected with the world of fancy. That's why he had thought of drinking in order to be "there".
He had been tickled driving a tickling Range Rover on the smooth road. The car which had been tickled by a tickling wheel hadn't been able to control itself because of the alcohol drops. The street, amazingly, had prepared a lively stage for the singer to sing.
That's actually the problem, George Michael had thought of his heyday. The crash didn't sound like music at all!
And .... There the funny story goes about celebrity. What is it? Nobody has to laugh out loud on this.
Let’s skip it.
Stephen Hawking and religious leaders have agreed on something crucial regarding Hawking's recent sensational and controversial book publication. But they decided not to let the media know about it.
Last night a shadow crawled on the wall of the convention center, downtown London, where they were having a meeting and tried to find it out. But this masked man dressed in red and blue web-designed costume found that the meeting there, in a locked room, running in a usual way. No debate, no irritating arguments and therefore, no conclusion seemed to make.
He dangled on the ceiling in awe! How come, in there people were playing poker?!
Well, that’s all about some silly stories which might entertain you. If this sounds weird, better learn how to distinguish between black and white when playing chess—even if you don’t like it. Lol!
This kind of therapy is worth trying anytime you feel lack of tolerance. As nobody perfect you can yell at the sky and express your emotion, "I'm not perfect; I swear to God, I'm not perfect. I am not even as perfect as celebrity" OK, done? Now listen to a funny story about Mike Tyson. The one to make you laugh out loud? Which one? You come to him, yell at him and tickle him!
By the way, George Michael admits to driving under alcohol influence? Out of date info of celebrity?
I wrote something silly about it on September 2010: When the accident happened, he was learning how to tickle his own fancy, anyway. Unfortunately, he was doing so in a wrong place. First, he had come across a tickling blog named Mr. Nurman learns to tickle your fancy while browsing on the Internet that he had got inspired of how to cope with stress.
However, things had been so hard to get connected with the world of fancy. That's why he had thought of drinking in order to be "there".
He had been tickled driving a tickling Range Rover on the smooth road. The car which had been tickled by a tickling wheel hadn't been able to control itself because of the alcohol drops. The street, amazingly, had prepared a lively stage for the singer to sing.
That's actually the problem, George Michael had thought of his heyday. The crash didn't sound like music at all!
And .... There the funny story goes about celebrity. What is it? Nobody has to laugh out loud on this.
Let’s skip it.
Stephen Hawking and religious leaders have agreed on something crucial regarding Hawking's recent sensational and controversial book publication. But they decided not to let the media know about it.
Last night a shadow crawled on the wall of the convention center, downtown London, where they were having a meeting and tried to find it out. But this masked man dressed in red and blue web-designed costume found that the meeting there, in a locked room, running in a usual way. No debate, no irritating arguments and therefore, no conclusion seemed to make.
He dangled on the ceiling in awe! How come, in there people were playing poker?!
Well, that’s all about some silly stories which might entertain you. If this sounds weird, better learn how to distinguish between black and white when playing chess—even if you don’t like it. Lol!