Thursday, June 8, 2017

Hand Drawn Whiteboard Video To Boost Your Business? Yes!

A hand drawn whiteboard video is effective and attractive, you bet! Keep in mind, something to boost your business should not be expensive. Where are you now, anyway? Are you are there to keep up with the latest trend for website promotion and your decision to record a video to tell your visitors about your products and services cannot be postponed? Be rational. You don’t have to buy high quality video camera, clear sounding microphone, blue screen, video editing software to bring your idea to life. All is costly, don’t you think?

While you are on YouTube to watch the best equipment demo--those things that you want to buy to improve your business, also talking to colleagues or experts getting ready to create the perfect video, you can spend a few minutes to watch series of hand drawn whiteboard videos to get inspiration, you don’t have to see those getting loads of subscribers. Just think that this kind of promotion is affordable and engaging, effective and attractive. OK, it’s not about something to get viewed on YouTube only, but how to get more and more customers landing to your homepage, right?.

First why using video as marketing strategy?

Did you know 84% of American adults are internet users and among the under 50s the figure is closer to 95% Online access in developed markets is near universal. This is good news for all online marketing from the rise in using of mobile technology to access the web. An incredible 92% of mobile users watch and most importantly, share videos.

Whiteboard Video is perfect for both desktop or mobile, text rarely works well on smaller screens. Option to make: you can use a cheap one, something created using stock images with a glue-like animated hand or a customized hand drawn whiteboard animation. Picture speaks better than word, is this not written very well? Whatever.Video content processed by the brain is much faster than written test. It also allows businesses to form a closer human connection with each potential customer. This ultimately leads to higher trust and more sales.

More and more businesses are using video on their websites. You can see it embedded in a blog post or as a homepage call to action. This is to indicate that video content is becoming more and more useful and effective for each and every industry to use in business marketing efforts.

When it comes to business, call to action at the end of the video is very important, it's how to allow customers to get connected to you. Besides commercial use, hand drawn whiteboard video is also effective for education, social announcement, political campaign, research report, and much more. It’s original artwork and is supposed to be the best media for you to deliver idea, either to generate income or for voluntary work.

Thank you for dropping by to this tickle your fancy blog. Feel free to comment or use my service if you think I am the right guy to bring your idea to life and make it stand out from the crowd,

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Unique Whiteboard Video, Custom or Hand drawn, Which Do You Prefer?

Whiteboard animation is one of the effective media to promote your business. In the eye of dummy, it’s simple to explain why it’s interesting rather than effective. It’s unique with animated hand drawn to tell the story of something. It’s like being in the classroom listening to your teacher and your teacher’s head goes somewhere maybe in the helmet of Robocop or... what?! Who cares?  What you see is only hand making a speed drawing and also—motion for some advanced one. Complicated explanation is not important. Face of your teacher is not important. It’ like learning language by phone. There is no eye-contact session. You just listen and respond. But here you’re free to respond or no . You respond only when you find something interesting there explained in the video.

That’s it. That’s what businesses want. To make call to action campaign work well. Sales grow up so well without having much money hiring actors to promote their business. They need to tell only a short 30 second to 5 minute story to get customers’ attention and they need something unique, customized, a video presentation called whiteboard animation. And if you happen to be one of those businesses coming across this site, you may wonder, which is better for your campaign; a whiteboard animation with stock images, a custom one and hand drawn

All depends on taste. It’s your money to spend to promote your business. When you think common stock images are okay for your video just go ahead and if you want to a customized whiteboard video, this unique animation will make you stand out from the crowd.

What you need is good concept and a strong belief, that your campaign is going to perform well to attract customers. Observation is good. Learning from other videos which have driven so many traffic is also recommended. You also need to build a storyboard to bring this concept alive. But If you are not good at it, you can just to leave it to the artist to do it for you. Only, when you have different perception from him, you cannot blame him for doing something which is not as expected, not even  a superhero knows what everyone wants.

What does it feel to have a unique whiteboard animation.Again, it’s not customized or stock image matter but how well the concept will work well to your videos. If it’s all hand drawn but the content is not attractive, it’s not effective ether to boost your sale. Get back to the dummy who regards the video as entertaining and only cares if he finds something attractive in it to force him to pick up the phone to contact you.

So, just think of a unique way to bring it to life in whiteboard animation format, and if you decide to use the service of mine which provides original hand-drawn, customized whiteboard animation, you’ve just come to the right place and feel free to choose from the options provided here.

Good luck!

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Top Custom Whiteboard Animation Artist Is Nowhere But In Your Room!

The best custom whiteboard animation artist gives much of his time to succeed your project. He lives not far from your place but possibly you'll get him coming from different continent. You know what that means. Everybody has access to the internet and you can get one from home, without worrying about getting trapped in traffic jams. Life is getting easier, thanks to the Internet!

What kinds of presentations would you like to have, anyway? About political issues, some tricky games corruptors manipulate the budget? Or about how to dress well that without a suit you still can even be a movie star? Or pure business to promote your product or other related presentation? You must look for the Top Actor, an animator who provides unique custom whiteboard animation video and don't really care about some are making money from drawing hobby, you bet! The world gives many options as to how to select and shortlist your candidates. Everybody will claim that in his hand everything is gonna be like magic, nothing to worry about. This man will bring your boring presentation to life and he says he will make a quick delivery.

Then you come to offer drafts and just let him do the best for you, wishing for a marvelous artwork. That’s all; you are hoping to see the result as per your expectations. Here is the performer who gives custom drawings, original hand drawn whiteboard animation video. But, the work turns out to be far from what you really want and says that this man is selling nonsense. No quick delivery as promised, instead, he’s getting mad of you and accused you of becoming a dreamer! What’s wrong?

Too many people expect to much that the artist whom they hire can be a magician. But even if there’s a claim the world has the best man who can do anything for you, he’s only human, no body is perfect. You want something amazing to make your work stand out from the crowd but animation it’s like building a house, you must prepare well your blueprint. You need custom whiteboard animation, but the animator needs also your input to split to the white page. You cannot slave him to make revision per revision as much as you want because you don't know what you really want and make experiments instead; for some reason it’s not totally his fault.

if you’re looking for the best person for your project, make sure you provide as best as you can all the requirements needed and split it to a storyboard. There’s a guidance to follow. Not only your instruction is  much helpful to him but also to yourself to make you a realistic person. You just cannot blame others unless you look at ourselves.

Top whiteboard animation services scatter everywhere in the Internet. Animators outnumber them. You can find the best artist for your customized video as you wish. If you happen to come across this tickle your fancy site and think I am the right person to do your job, it’s a pleasure. Let’s rock and have yours to stand out from the crowd later. Anyway, you don’t have to kick out your boring presentation after reading this. Good luck.

best custom whiteboard animation artist

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Reasons Why You Need Unique Custom Whiteboard Animation for Your Business

Please hold on, the first time you hear these echoes of unique custom whiteboard animation, you don’t have to kick out your boring presentation. Your project depends on making the right first impression with your presentation. Right now you have a pile of sticky notes and a barely usable script. Even if you knew a little bit of magic it’s going to take a whole lot of wishing and waving of a magic wand to save this one. Here are reasons why you need my help with your group presentation:

1 – You’re Dull

Okay, that may sound a bit on the harsh side but if you sound bored, you are just going to put everyone else in the room to sleep. There’s a reason why actors get hired to be product endorsers – they aren’t dull, and they can get the job done with the right script. They also didn’t pull an all-nighter working your presentation.

2 – You’re Web Presence Is Non-Existent

The idea of having a rocking piece of animation or some flashy do-dad dancing across the screen on your home page is to get people engaged. There must be some uniqueness to attract attention. You are trying to bring them into your website to learn more about your product or service. You don’t want them leaving in droves because your website is well, in need of a facelift. Whiteboard animation can save your website, especially customized and unique ones.

3 – Stick Figures Don’t Work

Admittedly not everyone is an artist. However, if your presentation has charts, graphs and other fun elements in it, the best way to get past the Bore Factor is to have something attractive to look at as you go on and on about stats and stuff. Stick figures and graphs that are in crayon don’t get the job done. Unless your three-year old son did them, but would you really do that?

4 – You’ve Never Heard Of It Before

This one I’ll let you have. Not everyone is aware of the affordable video marketing possibilities of unique custom whiteboard animation. This isn’t your Saturday Morning cartoons, either. However, funny presentations do a good job of feeding boring information in a light-hearted and enjoyable way. Flipcharts and sticky notes are old school. It’s time to catch up!

I Promise I Won’t Pick On You

If you have been trying to find another way to keep staff up to date, share information about your service or promote a product that is memorable, fun and interesting, then I can help. My unique whiteboard animation is custom tailored for your specific needs. It won’t be used anywhere else for anyone else. I custom make each and every order. The dose of humor I inject is the same for everyone so expect some laughs and a little silliness. But also expect results. Welcome baby, not only you’re free to tickle your fancy here, but also you’re allowed to kick out your boring presentation, sorry, that’s too much---and start thinking of a unique script to bring to life and to make your business stand out from the crowd. Contact me today!

Indonesian Voice Over, Male Voice! Try Nurman

Hi, long time no post. I hope you're fine there. Stay healthy, stay safe. You know, I keep renewing this domain and hardly ever write an...