Showing posts with label gay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gay. Show all posts

Monday, October 25, 2010

Adam Lambert should not support online gay campaign

Adam Lambert should convert to Islam and start to fight against homosexuality. Whoops, who says that? Is it a sort of souvenir of his recent concert in Malaysia?

How about, Adam Lambert should not support online gay campaign despite president Obama has added his voice to support this on account of bullying case. Who has the right to stop Adam from doing something he likes so? Who says that by tickling his funny bone, Adam Lambert is a gay? It is not funny if we say Adam Lambert might go camping together with Ricky Martin someday.

What sounds funny maybe if the whole gays online are eager to tickle a blogger's fancy.

Hope, it's not me!

Indonesian Voice Over, Male Voice! Try Nurman

Hi, long time no post. I hope you're fine there. Stay healthy, stay safe. You know, I keep renewing this domain and hardly ever write an...