Sunday, April 29, 2012

Erin Burnett

Erin Burnett probably won't read this post about her since this has nothing to do with her personally. Once upon a time, there was a large LCD TV dangling from the ceiling.on the ground floor and a pretty TV reporter showing there didn't say hi to me, while I was looking at her with a great admiration. Cinderella was asleep and Snow White was having a meeting somewhere ... What am I talking about?
She did attract my attention and I felt like to stay late there that morning before entering the lift to the 3a floor, the office where I worked at. This  pretty CNN news reporter was gorgeous, yet I still didn't know her name. I asked my coworkers around and none of them gave me the answer. I browsed on the Internet and still I didn't get a clue.

Only this Sunday morning, Google told me by the speicific keyword I had typed there on my computer she was Erin Burnett. She was with CNN and she's been with journalism for many many years. Pretty and smart, she has a large male following due to her extraordinary beauty and brawn as business news anchor and reporter for CNBC. And many of them will no doubt be disappointed with the news that 34-year-old Erin Burnett has become engaged. The brunette beauty is set to tie the knot with Citigroup executive David Rubulotta.

There's no further story whether she's married or no. And there's no story either, about her and me as Beauty and the Secret Admirer. Maybe next on Google page: Erin Burnett interviewing Mr. Nurman to tickle your fancy. Who knows one day she'll come to Jakarta, Indonesia for an international event, and will provide the time to see me to ask about my admiration.

Silly dream? Nothing impossible!

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