Saturday, December 5, 2009

Barack Obama puzzled by scavenger or Spiderman?

Barack Obama puzzled by scavenger or Spiderman?

The President of the United States, Barack Obama who used to live in Jakarta and now has already sent his troops to Afghanistan, has never been told that Peter Parker who came to the capital of Indonesia last week is covering the Bank Century case which now has become byword of the country.

Peter was standing on garbage clogging the Manggarai sluice gate in South Jakarta this December 1st, driving curiosity among passersby.

“Hey, what’re you doing there? It’s the city authorities’ concern not yours,” somebody cried out at him.

“This has occurred for decades!” the man kept shouting.

Peter didn’t respond. To his surprise, the man talking to him pointed a stick at him. And as Peter stared at him, he became restless and offended. Quickly he let out a mobile phone of his pocket and started to call Obama.

“Mr. President, you’re not going to believe this,” he whispered. “An Afghanistan rebel is here, scavenging up there!”

Unfortunately, the line was engaged soon. Several minutes later, there came an SMS saying, “So who’s the guy in red and blue crawling on our jet plane?”

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