Sunday, March 9, 2014

Making the Land Down Under Your Home: Tips on Migration

Australia draws visitors from near and far every year. As a land of incredible beauty and diversity, it's no wonder that many would like to enjoy all that Australia has to offer for an extended stay. The process is made easy with a migration visa kit. There's no need to hire an agent to do the job for you. The DIY visa is easy to do on your own when you know how to get started.

australia migration
Home sweet home, let's see how many newcomers now
Australia, popularly known as the Land of Oz, is a favorite destination for those who want to really experience this great country for more than a holiday. With a diy visa, it's possible to actually come in and stay a while, work, and truly explore this vast land. For those between the ages of 18 and 30, the Working Holiday Visa is the perfect solution. This type of visa allows you to stay for up to a year. You can study for as long as four months and work for one employer up to six months. Applying is simple, can be performed online, and you can learn more at the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

If you're looking for a more permanent option, you can get a migration visa kit. If you are a professional or a trades person, you can qualify to make Australia your home as you take advantage of business opportunities. You need to check your eligibility. General qualifications include being between the ages of 18 and 44. You should hold some type of degree, apprenticeship, or qualification for your form of employment. You need to be able to speak English and should have at least a year's worth of experience in your field of employment. Otherwise, two years of study in Australia could qualify you as well. You can also look into a Skilled Independent Visa, a visa that allows you to migrate, along with your partner and any dependents, based on a point system.

When you are ready to apply, you can hire an agent or a lawyer, but it could cost you thousands of dollars. A diy visa, made possible through a migration visa kit, is much more affordable. You'll find that many companies offer you a kit and will lead you through the entire process, including documentation, careful background checks concerning your character, personal health, and education, submission of your application, and the final response once it has been processed. Choosing a visa kit that is provided by a professional service will ensure you have all of the proper forms and assistance if you have any questions during the process.

Once your visa has been approved, you'll be free to settle in any area of Australia as you pursue a career. You'll have access to Australia's healthcare system and public schools. You'll have a better chance of getting a job as a permanent resident. If you are pleased with migration to Australia, you can take steps to become an Australian citizen. Your visa opens the door to opportunities.

Contributor: Sally Smith

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