Friday, October 12, 2012

How are you Mr. Nobody?

I know it's difficult to be nobody. You may act like Mr. Bean to make sure of people that you're alive. Isn't that extreme? Anywhere you go you feel like an alien. No matter what you do, surely nobody will address you with Hi Mr. So and so, "how are you doing?"

Life is part of game. Some become "somebody" other become "nobody". Today you are nobody tomorrow you are somebody. The best part of it is how you can play your role so convincingly regardless of the wish for Oscar award or CCN coverage. Never dream that one day Erin Burnett will come to see you, and from nothing to something, she tickles your funny bone and turn you from nobody to somebody. But who can stop us from daydreaming? Who knows you become Donald Trumps in a few years later.

Hm, that's too much, right? Let's think positive about becoming nobody. Mr. Bean who is a loser, troublesome and eccentric gives good example of how a coincidence happening in life which brings, on the other hand, a positive result. Really? Mr. Bean is not real but the brilliant concept behind it is not set by Mr. Nobody.

It is not an acknowledgment or a confession that I created a video entitled Mr. Nobody is .Mr. Nurman learns to tickle your fancy to show you a sort of narcissism. It is just an expression, an image that to lead a simple life surely will help us to create happiness in our own selves.

However, If you disagree with "us" here, would you please let me know how to become somebody without having to write something weird like Mr. nobody.

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