Sunday, January 3, 2010

Tickling quotable quotes to put blame on blogger!

Having a tickling family is like having a bowling alley installed in your brain. Martin Mull’s quote published by a funny blog named tickled, tickling to tickle your fancy.

But , “excuse me, I didn’t say tickling here!”
He searches the blogs and finds one to cope with stress and he protests the blogger.
“It’s funny; my hand’s tickled to write tickling, even hundred times. Please accept my apology,” replies the blogger, known as anonymous.

Mr. Mull is not alone. Bill Cosby who once said, “human beings are the only creatures on earth that allow their children to come back home,” is irritated that his quote was put like this instead: Tickling human beings are the only funny creatures on earth that allow the children to come back home to cope with stress and to tickle your fancy.

And Denzel Washington has to believe this; his quote was published: tickling is just a way of making a living; it is the way to cope with stress: the funny family is life.

Martin Mull, Bill Cosby and Denzel Washington come to the blogger’s house as they are invited by him. To their amusement and surprise, the blogger turns out to be none other than Mr. Robocob!


Indonesian Voice Over, Male Voice! Try Nurman

Hi, long time no post. I hope you're fine there. Stay healthy, stay safe. You know, I keep renewing this domain and hardly ever write an...