Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Caricature samples

Here is Leonardo DiCaprio

The legend of Bollywood, Amitabh Bachchan

Super Oprah

I bet you know this comedian ...

It's Jacky Chan

It's me

Wait for more to appear.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Illustrator For Hire

Hire an illustrator, who knows you can take over his position later. Lol! No kidding, anybody believing: if at first you don't succeed, try and try again will make their dream come true sooner or later, won't they? He or she can be an instant artist, too, why not! Sure, just one thing to remember, Rome was not built in a day.

Anyway, can you guess whose picture appeared below? Do you think she is one of the famous people on earth? Is she from another planet? Come on. You know her. Just take a look a little closer.

hire an lillustrator
I'll come to your dream tonight, prepare your blood

She is from the planet Photoshop if I may kid you. Compare it to the picture below, but please don't hire her as an illustrator if you think she will corrupt your project, instead. Lol. Well, this post is updated on 12 January 2014 and I have already created a subdomain from this tickle your fancy blog for you guys to do hire me in case you have to meet your deadline. Check it out here.

hire an illustrator
I'll come to your office today, just wake up

Anyway, back to the picture; If you still don't know her, no problem. You're not a moviegoer, are you? Neither am I! I tell you what: Life flies so fast, thanks to the Internet, some people are blessed by some free lessons and tutorials which can make them expert in specific fields--new artists will be reborn and reborn. These people, full of fashion, advertise themselves as freelancer, illustrator for hire. As for me, I am not an exception. I am one of the artists, who compete among other illustrators from all over the world on elance.com, guru.com and odesk.com, the latter gave me almost perfect feedback and the one that I like best to cling to up to now.

However, due to the tight competition, I have decided to stand out of others by promoting myself  here as freelancer on this tickle your fancy blog and update my portfolio there on the link provided above. If you have some samples or you like to discuss with me about some project, just find me there--your illustrator is waiting for you, maybe picking nose.

By the way, should I tell you who she really is. ... But, unfortunately, she came to me last night whispering to my ear, "hey bad boy, keep it a secret, will you?"

Sorry ... it is recommended to hire me as an artist rather than as a witch doctor. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tickling Superman?

Maybe this crazy Superman or stressful one is looking for sensation. Just like us, he wants to cope with stress, too. And he has his own way that you have never imagined before. Find out ... just to tickle your fancy!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tickling English

Are you a linguist? Test your skill here. Find what’s wrong with the following statements

Computations means simple aeronautics
Synonyms are words that have the same blessing
Negatives are negations of affirmative repayment
Comparatives are comparisons of two or more hustle
Conditionals are statements of compulsions and imagined results
Causals are statements of mouse of explosion
Chronological events are events that take time relationship to each mother
Place means the location where the conversation corrupted
Implied means suggested, but not cursed

Are you a tickling writer, blogger? Add up such like of  yours and put your link back here.
Do you need a comedy writer for your own writing project? Click here.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Indonesia, wake up!

Tell those lazy people to be there with their big megaphone to utter their well thought and words into one and with zest to tickle everybody’s fancy. Don't just yell, "Say no to corruption!"

If you happen to hear this notification you’d better close your ear. And focus on the word ‘there’ as written above.  Don’t force yourself to join in a rally to protest government’s policies on various issues if you’re soft spoken, calm and forward looking. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt might not follow it, because they live far, far away from this place. Besides, they have nothing to do with this.

These lazy people are busy with Twitter and Facebook. They may enjoy watching infotainment shows performing dangdut singers or rap singers in their break time. Don’t tell them about loan sharks, or bread or debt or zombies rising up to have plastic surgery.

Harry Potter’s magic may not appeal to them. Rick Perry is whom they know nothing about and comedy is not wroth written as part of shows. Who are those lazy people and where are they?

But, wait … “Who says I’m lazy,” says one of them in his deep sleep in the parliament.

Wake up Indonesia!

Having a big project in Indonesia and need a translator or a creative writer? Hire me.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Brad Pitt and bread and butter

Life is full of fantasy.

Take a look, once he stepped onstage for the unannounced appearance people were amazed.  Then when he ate his bread, people screamed. That’s Brad Pitt eating his bread on stage.

Next, He dug a shallow pit and left one fan there. People started to wonder what this is all about. Better wake up and forget about the entire tickling scene’s fantasy.

Acting is Brad Pitt’s bread and butter at the moment. How about you?

“Well, I myself like acting but when it comes to hiatus, I’d prefer to sleep here.”

The statement above is not uttered by an actor, off course. He might be someone who has a sense of humor. He can be a superhero, a fortuneteller, a blogger, an actor, an illustrator, a politician and even a loan shark.

Yes, life is full of fantasy, but, unfortunately it’s starting to be lack of social interaction now. If I write here the man saying the comment above was amazed and then he screamed as if Brad Pitt left him in a shallow pit, what would anybody care?

Everybody has become a smart phone addict, leaving you there alone in a shallow pit.

Indonesian Voice Over, Male Voice! Try Nurman

Hi, long time no post. I hope you're fine there. Stay healthy, stay safe. You know, I keep renewing this domain and hardly ever write an...