Showing posts with label comic strip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comic strip. Show all posts

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Trick Photography and Special Effects by Mr. Nurman?

If you're looking for Trick Photography and Special Effects and you come across this tickle fancy blog, just enjoy the joke below.

funny comic strip

Just to tickle your fancy, click here

To tell you the truth. I cannot really provide some sophisticated Trick Photography and Special Effects to amaze you. Perhaps only to tickle your fancy. I'm so busy writing and reviewing things on this blog. And now since my camera's been long idle, I would like you to take breathtaking special effects shots with just your regular camera. I wish you will know how to create "light painting" images that are simply out of this world. But, no, I am quite good at this.

If you like to improve your "regular" photography skills and take better photos immediately, I may recommend Evan Sharboneau's piece of work. He is an obsessive photographer, one of those guys who constantly takes pictures. he drives people crazy, always snapping something. Just tickle your fancy by some trick photography and special effects created by him. 

Okay, you could say I got a little obsessive by his work. Photography is my passion too and that I would like to share this with you, I hope you can master the trick and how to master the special effects, and if you've been tickled by this tickle fancy blog, please share this to world and stay tune for more update posts. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Comic Strip Example

Comic Strip Example by Mr. Nurman learns to tickle your fancy.

Promote your product with comic strip? I think that's a good idea. Here are my examples for you to get inspiration, updated content, written in 2011. Some advertisers buy links to promote their product online. That's cool, but it would be great if you also include images or talking pictures to tickle everyone's fancy. And my blog meets your need I hope.

funny comic strip
See related example product review inspired by this tickle comic strip here
This black-and-white comic strict drawn with Microsoft paint and edited with Photoshop. Tickle your fancy by a spoofed comic strip about photography review here.

funny comic

If you like my work and would hire me for this project just contact me soon. Let's tickle the world's fancy.

Indonesian Voice Over, Male Voice! Try Nurman

Hi, long time no post. I hope you're fine there. Stay healthy, stay safe. You know, I keep renewing this domain and hardly ever write an...