Showing posts with label drawing lesson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drawing lesson. Show all posts

Monday, December 11, 2017

Drawing Animation Video Samples: How To Draw Something And Animate It

How to draw something and animate it? Whiteboard animation videos have been so many there to show this on YouTube. And for drawing lessons, so many guys have been using SVG format uploaded in mp4 as well

There are a great number of attractive videos, well know as custom whiteboard animation. For presentation or product promotion, this doodle or sketch imagery is effective to substitute boring chart and diagrams. You know, pictures speak  louder than words. That is what business believes so far.

As for me, the one who likes drawing since a kid, I might be late presenting publicly a tutorial about how to draw any objects and animate it as well. So many guys out there have done it on YouTube and some use real drawing books and pencil or marker, no software support. This is natural. Well, might do a natural one someday, I just don't want to burn money for paper and marker, thanks to technology, lol.

Anyway, what's shown below is a hobby, and presenting something unique might inspire you who are into art, to take a clever step to learn drawing more intensively, especially if you want to make money getting graphic design jobs.

The following demos are only demonstration and done very short, less than a minute, the title in my native language bahasa Indonesia. But, no worries, English translation are already provided there.

Let's start drawing, baby, see the samples below

Valentino Rossi

Words into image, this is so fun and no more new things there on YouTube. Valentino Rossi, start with word Rossi there and keep dancing with your hand, draw it and move it to make animation effect. Software used is Sparkol/Videoscribe.

Draw Your Drum and Play It As Well?

A simple thing to draw a drum and you may play it later, uses the same software as above mentioned, but you need gif format to make the drum sticks alive. I do all gif motion animation in Flash Macromedia, it's simple.

Turn A Baby Into Grandpa

Most people like sinless face; baby is such an inspiration and to make it fun, we may morph the baby into a grandpa. That's cool. You may find effect of morphing animation in Sparkol.

Let's Draw Fish And Eat It As Well

This video of drawing fish has amusing ending, but as a surprise I don't want to tell you now here, you may watch it yourself here. The text is in Indonesian but English subtitle is provided there.  

Fans of Ronaldo Must See This

One sample of drawing Cristiano Ronaldo with his ant-like hairy face. May you get inspiration, honey!

Thank you for dropping by and happy watching! Want to watch all in a playlist? Click here for more samples.

Indonesian Voice Over, Male Voice! Try Nurman

Hi, long time no post. I hope you're fine there. Stay healthy, stay safe. You know, I keep renewing this domain and hardly ever write an...