Saturday, December 7, 2013

17 Tickle Fancy Readings To Kill Time

how to kill time
How to kill time when you happen to be here and don't know where to go next? Don't worry, only for this post, I am changing the theme of this tickle fancy blog in order to help you cope with boredom. Relax, take a deep breath and have a cup of coffee, enjoy your time.

17 readings are more than enough to get you out of stress, I believe, so here's Mr. Nurman shows you how to kill time instead of learns to tickle your fancy. Cool, right? For newcomers, I will let you know, this blog is not for you to laugh out loud. It's made hopefully to refresh your mind after a long tiring day.

So here are the 17 reading links to help you kill time. They include tips, product reviews, celebrity and public figure spoofs and so on. Hope the whole things here can help you cope with stress or tickle your fancy.

1. Why Clark Kent Didn't Come To The Classroom?
2. Why Your Soul Mate Looks Weird?
3. Why Robocop Hates Celebrities Having Plastic Surgery?
4. Why Obama Has To Wait Before Converting To Islam?
5. Should A Blogger Tickle Your Fancy Before Going To Bed?
6. Is It A Stupid Way To Get Traffic To A Blog?
7. Your Hair Let You Down In Florida?
8. Ever Heard Justin Bieber Would Outdo Mike Tyson?
9. How To Kill Time In Bed With Some Nightmare
10. What's wrong With This Tickle Fancy Trick Photography?
11. Who's The Chef Hired By David Beckham?
12. Johnny Depp's Secret Revealed?
13. The Day Brad Pitt Hates Eating Bread
14. Nicolas Cage's Debt Paid By Who?
15. Gwyneth Paltrow To Take To Dangdut Song
16. Tickle Quotation Definition
17. Do You Believe A Blogger Is God?

Well, everyone, thanks for killing time here. For more amusing articles, bookmark this page, subscribe to it, and/or don't forget to follow or like my Facebook page. Thanks.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Career Opportunities Not To Tickle Your Fancy

Executive Career Opportunities Open!

career opportunities
This Executive Career Opportunies: $80,000 to $500,000+ is not to tickle your fancy. Which means you should do your best for your future TO GET A HUGE AMOUNT OF SALARY, and that's only if you know how. If you're looking for a job in the USA, you must prepare from now on so that you won't waste your time for nothing.

Career Opportunities below are not recommended, surely just to tickle your funny bone
1. Professional daydreamer
2. Avid gossip
3. Suicide Bomber
4. Procrastinator

So grab a sort of career you want to have in life. After that you may visit this blog to have yourself entertained. This tickle fancy content, however, won't distract you with more silly things you should consider to take for your future career. Those executive career opportunities above are the best choice for you to take. So the question of how TO GET A HUGE AMOUNT OF SALARY is answered, I think. And this is not to tickle your fancy at all.

And one thing for sure, Executive Career Opportunities close after you say goodnight to dad and mom, agreed?

Good luck. . 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Tickle Fancy Writing List, 4 Useful Information For You

tickling writing
Believe me, this banner is just too much!
The tickle fancy writing list below is not only to amuse you, but also to "pinch" you if you admit to being a serious man. This blog has what is so called spoof, parody or satire. However, for some reasons, jokes are not necessarily to be highlighted here that force people to laugh out loud. People are looking for everything they need on the Internet. They hate to be lulled to sleep distracted by a parody. So, let's help them with some useful and helpful information they need to know.

1. Where To Find A Great Retirement Community For Your Parents? This is not a tickling question should annoy you, especially when you are tied up with your routine and currently feeling the under-pressure job. This is a writing of no joke that old people in the family need to be pleased; we should be willing to take care of them no matter how busy with we are. Paying back your parents at the end of their lives should start from now on. Agreed? So, no big laugh!

2. How to reserve your diabetes? There's no funny video about a man suffering this disease killing himself by fasting the whole day. And if you don't find this as a tickling writing, just finish eating at least 2 to 3 hours before bed even though you're not suffering such a disease. Lol.

3. A Very Unique Way To Get Traffic To Your Blog. How to? First, as recommended by many writers all over the world, you must create a quality content first. And after that you contact a famous writer named Jon Winokur and ask him to tweet your content. Whoops, sounds weird, heh? Will that work? Sure, it's one of the unique ways to get traffic to your blog. But believe me, this writing won't tickle your funny bone at all.

4. Happy Birthday, Sis! No Fat Bulges Anymore! Birthday present for your sister? Think about being a savior; give something tickling to please her in her special day. It's not the right time to give her Barbie doll as you know she's stubborn to diet and exercise.And besides you cannot just yell at her, "Stop being glutton!"

What do you think of the above underlined writings before you click the links? One thing for sure, spoof should not distract you from searching for the things you need badly to solve your problem, right? You might find some inspiration there, just check it out.

That's all for today, everybody. Thanks for visiting this tickle fancy blog.

Physician Assistant: One Of The Top 10 Best Jobs In America!

Do you want to have a career as Physician Assistant? It is one of the Top 10 Best Jobs in America. Yes, according to Money magazine, Physician Assistant is one of the Top 10 Best Jobs in America. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 30% job growth rate for the profession through 2020. So get the opportunity soon. Prepare yourself for this if you're interested. Make sure you are not:

american job1. One of the kids sent to a Summer camps, in order that you can branch out in the buddies you have. This is the place teaching children how to be more socially confident – something they can take back to school with them in the fall. Summer is real "cool"! Becoming a Physician Assistant is not starting from here. Unless you have a unique idea in mind and why should we care about it?

2. Asking yourself about How to reserve your diabetes as you're suffering from it. Okay, that's a serious matter! If you already know what you should refrain from, that doesn't sound like that you want to be a Physician Assistant. This job is not suitable for you. Eat protein for breakfast every day, such as whole omega-3 eggs, a soy protein shake, or nut butters are recommended.

3. Ignorant, especially when it comes to sanitation and medical treatments. You must remember it's one of the top 10 best jobs in America. Physician Assistants can practice and prescribe medicine in all 50 states and the District of Columbia (regulations vary by state) under the license of a physician, can work in a variety of health care settings, and although PAs are trained as generalists in medicine, they can also work in specialty areas, such as orthopedics, emergency medicine, or cardiology for instance.

If you hate to be trained to provide the healthcare services, better not take this job. As designated by a licensed physician: soon you'll be familiar with Diagnostic, Preventive, and Therapeutic services. Off course, you cannot be a spoiled child there crying for your mommy to accompany wherever you go.

Okay, now you skip all those tickling jokes about. Working as members of the health care team, as a PA later on, you will: diagnose illness and disease, examine and treat patients, instruct and counsel patients order or carry out therapies, order and interpret lab tests and X-rays. What else? Sure you may prescribe medications, record progress notes, take medical histories, treat injuries by suturing, splinting, and casting

And ... What? you want to know the rest of the top 10 best jobs in America, instead? Don't ask a Physician Assistant about it. He or she is not in a mood to be tickled today.

Trick Photography and Special Effects by Mr. Nurman?

If you're looking for Trick Photography and Special Effects and you come across this tickle fancy blog, just enjoy the joke below.

funny comic strip

Just to tickle your fancy, click here

To tell you the truth. I cannot really provide some sophisticated Trick Photography and Special Effects to amaze you. Perhaps only to tickle your fancy. I'm so busy writing and reviewing things on this blog. And now since my camera's been long idle, I would like you to take breathtaking special effects shots with just your regular camera. I wish you will know how to create "light painting" images that are simply out of this world. But, no, I am quite good at this.

If you like to improve your "regular" photography skills and take better photos immediately, I may recommend Evan Sharboneau's piece of work. He is an obsessive photographer, one of those guys who constantly takes pictures. he drives people crazy, always snapping something. Just tickle your fancy by some trick photography and special effects created by him. 

Okay, you could say I got a little obsessive by his work. Photography is my passion too and that I would like to share this with you, I hope you can master the trick and how to master the special effects, and if you've been tickled by this tickle fancy blog, please share this to world and stay tune for more update posts. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Very Unique Way To Get Traffic To Your Blog

How I Got 3000 Visitors In One Day? Here I would like to share with you about A Unique Way To Get Traffic To Your Blog. Based on my experience and inspired by a kid named Gloson, once the youngest blogger on earth, my tip is somewhat amusing. It's only one tip, not 3, 4 or more as what any other shares on the Internet. But it's an exceptional!

First, as recommended by many writers all over the world, you must create a quality content first. And after that you contact a famous writer named Jon Winokur and ask him to tweet your content. Will that work? Sure, it's one of the unique ways to get traffic to your blog. But as you know, I'm learning to tickle your fancy, you should not beg him for this, should you? So it's not asking, but how to attract his attention!

how to get traffic to your logWho is Jon Winokur? Jon Winokur (b. Aug. 5, 1947) is an American writer and editor.Born in Detroit, the son of Martin M. and Elinor Winokur, he attended Temple University (BA, 1970) and the University of West Los Angeles. You can find a great deal of his works on Amazon. And as a senior dedicated writer you can find him at twitter @advicetowriters with many of his followers retweeting his tweets. So the unique way to get traffic to your blog starts from here. If you already got the point, next you know what you should do, right?

Let me put this way, when Gloson noted Jon has more than 60,000 followers (and has been listed over 4,000 times), and he is only following about 800 people!—which means his followers don’t auto-reciprocate or something, but they genuinely follow him because he gives top-notch advice for writers, you deserve a unique way to get traffic to your blog. How to? Do as what Gloson did, create a quality content like his: 9 Confusing Confusions in English Grammar. That's so interesting to Jon.

Jon Winokur @advicetowriters might find your content interesting and he surely would like to share to his followers. Now think again, Jon has more than 60,000 followers (and has been listed over 4,000 times), and he is only following about 800 people!—which means his followers don’t auto-reciprocate or something, but they genuinely follow him because he gives top-notch advice for writers. You know a very unique way to get traffic to your blog is inspired by the kid who outdo you blogging. That's amazing, right?

What do you think about it? It's not the right way? Then share here, tickle other's fancy with me.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How I Got 3000 Visitors In One Day

How I Got 3000 Visitors In One Day? No tickling post today. It happened in 2012 and it's better too late than never to share this here. There's a boy named Gloson, a 14-year-old kid who lives in Malaysia who blogs about social media, blogging, technology stuff, and more, the one who inspired me to share this. He wrote on his blog Glosson Blog: Last week, I got 3,000 visitors from just a SINGLE tweet by a power user. Wow, can you imagine the power of that single tweet? I got the same traffic too a year ago but I didn't really know what happened and I didn't want to find it out.

Here’s how it happened (Gloson version)

I woke up one morning to check my statistics… WHAT? I got 3000 visitors in one day? Cool! then hurriedly scanned my analytics to find out what was causing the huge spike in traffic.I discovered that a twitter power user, Jon Winokur @AdvicetoWriters, tweeted my blog post called 9 Confusing Confusions in English Grammar, which I published back in November 2010When Jon tweeted my blog post, the snowball effect happened. His followers saw his tweet and retweeted it, and their followers saw their retweets and retweeted too; ultimately his tweet reached his followers’ followers’ followers. Get it? You can read more here to find out the detail.

Here's how it happened (my version)

Unlike, the smart kid Glosson who could provide authentic statistics on his blog post, I didn't even know what Google analytic was for back then in 2012. And now since I have changed this blog template many times (you my regular readers know that), I lost my traffic history, some organics keywords from the first page of Google and lowered my alexa rank as well (I look forward to your helping me find the authentic data--please recommend here by commenting below). How I got 3000 visitors and more--I forget the exact number, I can only show my all-time.blogger statistic.

You see the mounting pyramid there? It belongs to the second entry of my posts entitled Katy Perry. I got 3000 or something a day after January 20, 2012 when I posted a spoofed article about her coming to Indonesia for a music concert. There's no extraordinary news, I only parodied myself there. I also got huge traffic for another post about David Beckham is in need of chef, but it's only around 600 or something. Two days afterwards everything got back to normal: averagely below hundred per day.

So how I Got 3000 Visitors In One Day? If Glosson got it from twitter. I got mine from StumbleUpon. See traffic sources there..Maybe one of the StumbleUpon guy there is a famous person or at least the one who has a huge followers and he referred my content to his followers and his followers did the same thing too with the others. Or maybe it's the moment when people were searching news about Katy Perry--a trending topic, especially when she's conducting a music concert in Indonesia.

What we can learn from this, according to Gloson: (You can see the detail by visiting his blog through the link provided above)

i. Targeted content
ii. Real followers
iii. Some numbers
iv. Quality content

I may I agree with the points above. Only I didn't create point iv. So it's weird? How I got 3000 visitors in one day? I just  learned to tickle everyone's fancy, and perhaps that's just the right moment people needed to read. Anybody having another analytic, please share here. thanks.

Indonesian Voice Over, Male Voice! Try Nurman

Hi, long time no post. I hope you're fine there. Stay healthy, stay safe. You know, I keep renewing this domain and hardly ever write an...